Distinct hippocampal mechanisms support concept formation and updating
*Authors made equal contributions
Distinct hippocampal mechanisms support concept formation and updating
*Authors made equal contributions
Spatial preposition use predicts children’s spatial map formation
Differentiation of related events in hippocampus supports memory reinstatement in development
*Authors made equal contributions
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Age-related differences in the relationship between sustained attention, associative memory, and memory-guided inference
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
General knowledge and detailed memory benefit from different learning sequences
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 13(3), 329–341.
Asynchronous development of memory integration and differentiation influences temporal memory organization
*Authors made equal contributions
Developmental Science, 27(2): e13437.
Schema, inference, and memory
In M.J. Kahana & A.D. Wagner (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Human Memory (pp. 1400-1425). New York: Oxford University Press.
Development of human hippocampal subfield microstructure related to associative inference
Cerebral Cortex, 33(18):10207-10220.
Memory reactivation and suppression modulate integration of the semantic features of related memories in hippocampus
Cerebral Cortex, 33(14), 9020-9037.
Generalization of cognitive maps across space and time
Cerebral Cortex, 33(12), 7971-7992.
Representations of temporal community structure in hippocampus and precuneus predict inductive reasoning decisions.
*Authors made equal contributions
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 34(10) 1736-1760.
Interpersonal family dynamics relate to hippocampal CA subfield structure
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16, 872101.
Developmental differences in memory reactivation relate to encoding and inference in the human brain
Nature Human Behaviour, 6, 415-428.
Does memory reactivation during sleep support generalization at the cost of memory specifics?
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 182, 107442.
Reinstatement of item-specific contextual details during retrieval supports recombination-related false memories
NeuroImage, 236(1), 118033.
Concept formation as a computational cognitive process
Current Opinion in Behavioral Neuroscience,38, 83-89.
Semantic knowledge of famous people and places is represented in hippocampus and distinct cortical networks
Journal of Neuroscience, 41(12), 2762-2779
Memory reactivation during learning simultaneously promotes dentate gyrus/CA2,3 pattern differentiation and CA1 memory integration
Journal of Neuroscience, 41(4) 726-738.
Representations of common event structure in medialtemporal lobe and frontoparietal cortex supportefficient inference
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A, 117(47), 29338-29345.
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex compression during concept learning
*Authors made equal contributions
Nature Communications, 11, 46.
Developmental differences in temporal schema acquisition impact reasoning decisions
*Authors made equal contributions
Cognitive Neuropsychology, 37(1-2), 25-45.
Predictability changes what we remember in familiar temporal contexts
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 32(1), 124-140.
Functional connectivity between memory and reward centers across task and rest track memory sensitivity to reward
Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 19(3), 503-522.
Performance of semi-automated hippocampal subfield segmentation methods across ages in a pediatric sample
Neuroimage, 191, 49-67.
Abstract representation of prospective reward in the hippocampus
Journal of Neuroscience, 38(47), 10093-10101.
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex is necessary for normal associative inference and memory integration
Journal of Neuroscience, 38(15), 3767–3775.
Building concepts one episode at time: The hippocampus and concept formation
Neuroscience Letters, 680, 31-38.
In J.H. Byrne (Ed.), Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 2nd ed. Volume III: Memory Systems (H. Eichenbaum, Volume Ed., pp. 125-132). New York: Elsevier.
Memory integration constructs maps of space, time, and concepts
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 17, 161–168.
The hippocampus and memory integration: Building knowledge to navigate future decisions
In M.C. Duff, & D.E. Hannula (Eds.), The Hippocampus from Cells to System: Structure, Connectivity, and Functional Contributions to Memory and Flexible Cognition (pp. 405-437). New York: Springer.
Temporal proximity promotes integration of overlapping events
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 29(8), 1311-1323.
Medial temporal lobe reinstatement of content-specific details predicts source memory
Cortex, 91, 67-78.
Hippocampal structure predicts statistical learning and associative inference abilities during development
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 29(1), 37–51.
Dynamic updating of hippocampal conceptual representations through interactions with prefrontal cortex
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 113(46), 13203-13208.
Repetition suppression in the medial temporal lobe and midbrain is altered by event overlap
Hippocampus, 26, 1464–1477.
Knowledge of social affiliations biases economic decisions
PLoS ONE, 11(7), e0159918.
Hippocampal-medial prefrontal circuit supports memory updating during learning and post-encoding rest
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 134, 91-106.
Decisions about the past are guided by reinstatement of specific memories in the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex
Neuroimage, 127, 144-157.
Medial temporal lobe subregional contributions to episodic memory: Insights from high-resolution fMRI
In D.R. Addis, A. Duarte, & M. Barense (Eds.), The Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Memory (pp. 108-131). New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
Learning-related representational changes reveal dissociable integration and separation signatures in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
Nature Communications, 6, 8151.
Quantitative comparison of 21 protocols for labeling hippocampal subfields and parahippocampal cortical subregions in in vivo MRI: Towards developing a harmonized segmentation protocol
Neuroimage, 1(111), 526-41.
Memory integration: Neural mechanisms and implications for behavior
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 1, 1-8.
Memory reactivation during rest supports upcoming learning of related content
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 111(44), 15845-50.
Functional heterogeneity in posterior parietal cortex across attention and episodic memory retrieval
Cerebral Cortex, 24(1), 49-66.
CA1 contributions to memory integration and inference
Hippocampus, 24(10), 1248-1260.
Global neural pattern similarity as a common basis for categorization and recognition memory
Journal of Neuroscience, 34(22), 7472-84.
Content representation in the human medial temporal lobe
Cerebral Cortex, 23(1), 80-96.
Decoding the brain’s algorithm for categorization from its neural implementation
*Authors made equal contributions
See related TICS commentary
Current Biology, 23(20), 2023-2027.
Interplay of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in memory
Current Biology, 23(17), R764-R773.
Distributed hippocampal patterns that discriminate reward context are associated with enhanced associative binding
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142(4), 1264-76.
Learning the exception to the rule: Model-based fMRI reveals specialized representations for surprising category members
Cerebral Cortex, 22(2), 260-273.
Striatal and hippocampal entropy and recognition signals in category learning: Simultaneous processes revealed by model-based fMRI
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 38(4), 821-39.
Hippocampal novelty activations in schizophrenia: Disease and medication effects
Schizophrenia Research, 138(2-3), 157-63.
Reward modulation of hippocampal subfield activation during successful associative encoding and retrieval
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(7), 1532–1547.
Hippocampal and ventral medial prefrontal activation during retrieval-mediated learning supports novel inference
See cover
Neuron, 75(1), 168-179.
The hippocampus and inferential reasoning: Building memories to navigate future decisions
*Authors made equal contributions
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6, 70.
Associative retrieval processes in the human medial temporal lobe: Hippocampal retrieval success and CA1 mismatch detection
Learning & Memory, 18(8), 523-528.
High-resolution fMRI reveals match enhancement and attentional modulation in the human medial temporal lobe
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(3), 670-682.
High-resolution fMRI of content-sensitive subsequent memory responses in human medial temporal lobe
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(1), 156-173.
Flexible memories: Differential roles for medial temporal lobe and prefrontal cortex in cross-episode binding
Journal of Neuroscience, 30(44), 14676-14684.
CNTRICS final task selection: Long-term memory
*Authors made equal contributions
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35(1), 197-212.
Dissociation between explicit memory and configural memory in the human medial temporal lobe
Cerebral Cortex, 18(9), 2192-207.
Ask the experts: How do short-term memories become long-term memories?
Scientific American. 297(6), 114.
The medial temporal lobe and memory
In R.P. Kesner & J.L. Martinez, Jr., (Eds.) The Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, 2nd Edition (pp. 305-337). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Hippocampal function, memory, and schizophrenia: Anatomical and functional neuroimaging considerations
Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports, 5(4), 249-256.
Hippocampal contribution to the novel use of relational information in declarative memory
Hippocampus, 14(2), 148-152.
Comparison of spiral-in/out and spiral-out BOLD fMRI at 1.5T and 3T
NeuroImage, 21(1), 291-301.
Working smarter not harder
Neuron, 37(2), 191-192.
In C.G. Goetz (Ed.) Textbook of Clinical Neurology, 2nd ed (pp. 63-78). New York: Elsevier.
Visualizing genetic influences on human brain function
Cell, 112(2), 144-145.
Different functions for different medial temporal lobe structures?
Learning and Memory, 9, 215-217.
Impact of temporal lobe amnesia, aging, and awareness on human eyeblink conditioning
In L.R. Squire & D.L. Schacter (Eds.) The Neuropsychology of Memory, 3rd Edition (pp. 97-113). New York: Guilford.
Awareness in classical differential eyeblink conditioning in young and aging humans
Behavioral Neuroscience, 115(4), 747-757.
The M1 muscarinic agonist CI1017 facilitates hippocampally-dependent trace eyeblink conditioning in aging rabbits and increases the excitability of CA1 pyramidal neurons
Journal of Neuroscience, 20(2), 783-790.
Cholinergic facilitation of trace eyeblink conditioning in aging rabbits
Life Sciences, 64(6-7), 541-548.